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ORI for the 4 Quarter of 2015 概要 Main Points increased USD interest rate and the volatility of domestic and global financial market. But the base for long term development of RMB offshore financial market was becoming more stable and ORI grew in certain extent during 2015. 分析 Analysis ORI for the 4 th Quarter of 2015 Symbol Lookup from Yahoo Finance Search for ticker symbols for Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Indices and Futures on Yahoo! Finance. Under Armour® Official Store – FREE Shipping available | US Under Armour makes game-changing sports apparel, shoes & accessories. FREE SHIPPING available + FREE Returns.

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币指数(ORI)为1.36%,较上年末上升 升0.11 个百分点,超出预测值0.11 个百 分点。 离岸市场人民币存款规模总体 稳定; 离岸人民币债券发行保持活跃; 储备货币职能进一步增强。 The BOC Offshore RMB Index (ORI) was 1.36% at the end of the 2nd quarter of 2018, 0.11

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